About Us

Gee & J began their nice people tour in the summer of 2014 when they traveled from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon: Gee on a bicycle and J in a truck. That tour is finished, but they continue to travel the country in search of interesting places and nice people. Come along for the journey of a lifetime!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

 Parkside Reboot

 A sign above the kitchen entrance reads in brown and white:

"All because two people fell in love

    JR strolls by with an igloo cooler on wheels. My attention is immediately peaked as I have lately become a serious aficionado of rolling coolers. His wife Leanne notices my awe and says, “He really doesn't really need that.”  I am quick to defend my gender. I explain that our very DNA REQUIRES the latest, and the coolest tool. That fact alone is our definition of need. To the male species, the formula that determines the need for a new tool is simple: It is "need = x + 1" with “x” representing the amount of cool tools you already own. But, I digress. This is not just a story about tools or gender.  It is a love story, so let’s start from the beginning.

    I got up this morning with two simple intentions: 1) make myself breakfast and 2) allow my wife the luxury of sleeping in past 4 AM.  But, after an hour and a 1/2 of putting away last night's washed dishes, hugging our feline children, checking the morning premarket stock futures and re-reading my latest book,  “Anxious People”  (yes, it's so good that I'm reading it again before moving on)  5:30/am was now upon me and my stomach forced me to take hold of the frying pan. As I turned to place it on the stove, there stood my wife fully dressed asking me what my plans were for the day. My stomach prompted my reply: EAT BREAKFAST. I pointed to the frying pan. My wife replied, "The new Parkside Cafe," and she pointed to the car keys in her hand. The stomach voice in my head roared: "Can't wait! Must eat now!" So, I exercised the creator granted right that every husband has. I put my foot down and said,"Wow that sounds like a great idea!" and off we went.  But, this is not just a story about tools, gender and love. It's also a story about ownership. 

    We arrived promptly at  6/am to beat the crowds. But, as we walked triumphantly through the door, we discovered that we WERE the crowd. Not only were we customer number 1 and 2 (my wife of course was #1,)  but we were also the ONLY customers for the entire time we were there. How cool was that?! A new restaurant, just opening, soon to be overwhelmed by the hungry masses, but for now....it was just us.

    What a rush! Anyone who’s ever stood in the middle of an empty sports arena or on the stage of an empty theater can attest to this feeling. In a space that is obviously meant to hold many, many more people than just you--the experience of being completely alone in it is simply sublime. We were  momentarily the sole diners, and in this brief sojourn, it was as if we OWNED the place. And, then, the ACTUAL owner came by. 

    The owner's name of course is JR. Remember him? He’s the guy with the way cool cooler on wheels from the beginning of this story. JR and Leanne did what anyone can do: they started a business.  But, together they accomplished what only true owners who take pride in their business can do: they captured that rush that you get in an empty stadium and took it to a whole new level. As we relished our private chat with the owner/artist, I took in the world which he and Leanne had created. I noticed the 2 huge flat screen TVs that they strategically placed on either side of their massive Parkside Cafe logo.  Anyone can slap a TV on the wall but what you display on that TV that reveals your artistry. In current chic lingo, it reveals your “why” (I really HATE the "why" fad, but that's for another post).

    Back to the TV's--these twin portals formerly known as flat screen TV’s took me to a beautiful rolling winter vista with snow and mountains.  No sports, no disturbing news channels; just beautiful winter landscapes that focused you into this calming mountain cabin theme. Some would call this "décor". But, those are the same people that like to ask, "What's your why?" To me, team JRL (JR & Leanne) created an environment that immerses you. It lifts you up and away from the world of cares. My wife and I have been to many restaurants in our shared journey, but rarely have we experienced an environment that obviously happened all because two people fell in  love.  

    Remind yourself of our journey so far, tools...gender...love...ownership...back to love…what’s missing???  Oh ya…the FOOD!  But, before food, we must swallow some truth.

    The truth about food:  Think about the absolute best breakfast you've ever made for yourself. Then, think about that self accomplished feeling you proclaimed when you said, “Can't get THIS in a restaurant!”  Now, accept the fact that this is a bald face lie.  The same type of lie that is professed by ANYONE who just finished a salad for lunch and exclaims, "I'm SOOOO STUFFED!"  Same lie.  Just accept it.  Remember, acceptance is the first step in recovery. You are one step closer to understanding the truth about food.

    The truth is that the absolute BEST food tastes even BETTER when it is made by SOMEONE ELSE.   So, let's go there. To the food that was made for us. Side note: I purposely did not include panoramic pictures of the ambiance because those never really seem to work out. Ever stand at the edge of a cliff and look out over a valley with that tingling sensation running through your entire body? Remember looking at the picture you took of it afterwards? Not quite the same is it?  We should all just try to stop doing that and instead remember those moments with the cameras in our mind. But, food is different. Food can look so delicious and lovely in a picture that makes you want to actually EAT the picture. Truth be told, sometimes the PICTURE is better than the actual food itself.  But, that's not the case here. Sure, the pictures below do LOOK good, but the food itself was much much better. 

Bottom of pic: the traditional Egg's Benedict
Top of pic: the sandwich aptly titled, “The Hot Mess.”

Jen had the Hot Mess, and I had the Eggs Benny. I could go into detail about the interplay of spices, aromas and textures, but just trust me--this Benny was BETTER than any verbal description. Perhaps a picture (or series of pictures) would better illustrate the experience.

By the last pic on the right, I was in
what can only be described as "The Good Place". (The REAL Good Place) The moment was bittersweet; however, as I realized, that the food was at this point, only a sweet memory. I then proceeded to lick the plate...an image which I'm sure you'll agree needs no actual picture.

The beauty above is a smoked pork concoction that will make you want to quit your job and live in JR's yard.

I'm totally serious about the caption. JR collects smokers like I collect bicycles. Actually, he's got me beat in that arena. I have only 5 way cool bikes in my quiver: JR has several DOZEN smokers populating his property!! And, I fully support him in declaring that he NEEDS every single one of them. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking of buying him a new one for his birthday! He is the Smoker King, and we his loyal subjects.

So, do yourself a treat and go visit JR and Leanne's New Parkside Café. But, one last thought. If you ever experience any situation that is not to your liking, although I doubt you will…TALK to them. Talk to your server, the host or the manager on duty.  JR and I are both in agreement on this:  direct communication is always more productive than keyboard Karen-ing.   JR’s a great talker and definitely willing to listen. We’ve been to all of his Bristol area establishments and great customer service is the tie that binds them all.  Of course the food and ambience is great too, but their customer service will always keep us coming back. Thanks JR and Leanne for the great experience!

JR and Leanne truly live up to this sign which I found mounted on the wall in the small dining room.